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Q: What is the purpose of mitosis in female worker ants?
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Where do queen ants get water?

from the worker ants

What are the habits of a male ant?

Male ants only have one job and that is to mate with the queen ant. After they mate, the male ant dies. All of the worker ants are female.

What do the worker ants do?

it brings food to the other ants

Do ants puke?

Technically, in some way some ants do puke. Honey ants, which store honey for the rest of the colony, regurgitate honey to feed the other worker ants. Regular worker ants, carpenter ants, and multiple other kinds of ants do not puke.

How do ants organize the work in their colonies?

Entymologists have discovered that ants (and other insects) exude pheromones (smell hormones, simply put), which are perceived as instructions by other ants, depending upon the characteristics of the pheromone exuded.

What do worker ants feed other ants to turn it into a queen?


Do uncle Milton ants lay eggs?

No , it is against Federal laws to ship a queen ant across state lines and so your colony will not have an egg-producing queen because the ants Uncle Milton has sent are sterile female worker ants .

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How do ants sort out worker ants?

they sort by using the queens hormons to make the ants do certain actions

Why do worker ants are happy to work for the queen ant?

Worker ants provide food, dig tunnels, and care for pupa. These ants work so that the queen ant is able to continue producing more eggs and therefore, more ants.

What is the male ant called?

The female ant is simply called "Queen". When the queen starts to lay eggs, her fertilized eggs will become female ants. Almost all ants are females. The eggs then hatch after several days. The queen feeds the larvae that emerge by spitting up food she makes from her leftover wing muscles, from her own energy reserves, and sometimes from eating some of the other eggs or larvae. The larvae grow then form pupae. Gradually, they turn into adult ants. When the pupae open in a week or two, adult ants emerge and start to gather food. Worker ants are sterile females, which means they do not lay eggs. Worker ants keep eggs, larvae, and pupae at the right temperature by moving them from chamber to chamber within the nest, the worker ants take care of the new eggs, larvae, and pupae. They take care of the queen too, all she does is lay eggs. She may live for 10 to 20 years, laying eggs fertilized during her one mating flight. Most of the fertilized eggs become new workers. But occasionally the worker ants feed more food to some of the young, and that makes them turn into queen ants. Sometimes the queen lays unfertilized eggs, which become male ants. The male ants don't help maintain the colony. Instead, they fly from the nest in search of a queen. When they find a queen, they mate. Then the cycle begins again.

Do ant have a king or queen?

There is a "queen ant", which is a breeding female. There is no "king" ant, male ants are called "drones". The non-breeding (sterile or sub-fertile) female ants are called "workers". Depending on the species, there can be anywhere from one to ten queen ants in a colony. They are raised from larvae specifically for the purpose of breeding.