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It reduces the amount of soot. Ancient Egyptians used this method to keep their lamps burning clean.

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Q: What is the purpose of rock salt in cooking oil lamp?
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Related questions

Is rock salt and salt the same thing?

Yes, cooking salt = table salt = rock salt = salt = halite = sodium chloride = NaCl

What does undissolved salt mean?

Undissolved salt is salt that has not been dissolved in water, e.g rock salt or cooking salt.

What name do you give sodium chloride?

Other names: table salt, cooking salt, halite, rock salt.

Where was salt founded?

Salt used in cooking is derived from seawater (sea salt) or from layers of salt in mineral deposits (rock salt or mineral salt).

How do you verify a Himalayan rock salt lamp is an authentic one from Pakistan?

The rock salt from Pakistan is frequently pink; but believe me, it is a problem without any importance.

What is the main purpose of halite?

Halite's main purpose is table salt, tanning, and rock salt which is used for the road when its covered with ice.

Can halite rock salt be used in cooking advantages and disadvantages?

Any advantage; the disadvantage is to use a possible dirty salt.

What is a rock salt lamp used for?

A rock salt lamp is used for to neutralize the air you breathe by balancing positive and negative Ions. These lamps use Himalayan Salt. You can learn more about Himalayan Salt at the Wikipedia.

Which melts snow and ice rock salt or sea salt?

The stuff you buy for that purpose is just plain, ordinary salt.

If you throw rock salt out on your porch will it melt the snow and ice?

No. I would think the purpose of the rock salt it to keep you from slipping on the snow and ice when you step out on your porch.

What purpose does shaking the bag with the ice and rock salt provide?

it provides ice cream i think

How long do you leave a steak covered in salt for the purpose of making it juicier before cooking?

How long you leave a steak covered in salt for the purpose of making it juicier before cooking depends on the thickness of the steak. A one inch thick steak should be left covered in salt for one hour before it is cooked. A 1.5 inch thick steak would be left for 1.5 hours.