

Best Answer

Silicon Dioxide is sand

Who knows the source of this sand lol

silicon dioxide is used as an abrasive agent in cleaning products like Comet

it's also used to make glass, computer chips, etc...

Mabye they are too lazy to wash it well and thought it was more effective to add the dirt to the ingredient list?

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Q: What is the purpose of silicon dioxide in barley grass?
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Is grass a cause of global warming?

Grass has very little to do with global warming, unless you mean the grass grown for cattle pasture after the rainforests were cut down. Rainforests absorb tonnes of carbon dioxide from the air; grass not so much.

Do grass clippings make greenhouse gases?

Decomposing grass clippings release carbon dioxide under aerobic conditions and if burned. They release methane if decomposed under anaerobic conditions. These gases are greenhouse gases. The carbon dioxide emissions pretty much balance with the amount removed to create the grass. The methane is 21 times as potent a GHG as carbon dioxide so the greenhouse impact would be more significant.

Is grass vascular or non vascular?

Grass is vascular!!!!

How does the destruction of forests contribute to the greenhouse effect?

Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is not absorbed, and oxygen produced, and the carbon (of CO2) cannot form biomass), because there are no trees. Photosynthesis is the process in green plant material (leaf , grass etc.,) where carbon dioxide is absorbed, and oxygen produced into the atmosphere. 'u.v' light(sunlight) is also needed; the process does NOT proceed at night. The carbon of CO2 forms part of the plant's biomass. Trees are particularly efficient at this process, but ALL green plant material (grass , leaves, etc.,) undergoes the process. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a heavy gas, and will fall to the ground, hence it will react with plant material, and not move into the upper atmosphere.

how do you use natural grass fertilizer?

Natural grass fertilizer is spread along the soil in which grass is to grow. It provides vitamins and nutrients for the grass.

Related questions

Is there glass inside grass?

Grass does not incorporate silicon dioxide (the material glass is made from) into its structure, so - NO - there is no glass inside grass.

What are the benefits of taking barley grass?

There are several benefits of taking barley grass. Barley grass is high in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, and B12. Additionally, it is thought to be a strong antioxidant.

Is barley a grass?


What are the diseases barley grass does treat?

Barley grass treats disorders of the stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis, and is an anti-inflammatory agent.

What are the side effects associated with barley grass?

Other than an allergic reaction, there are no known adverse effects attributed to barley grass.

Is Barley a herb or shrub?

Neither. Barley is a grass that is used as a cereal crop.

What is the definition of barley?

Barley is a widely distributed cereal plant belonging to the grass family.

What is the protein content of barley?

Barley is a member of the grass family, and is used to make cereals. Barley has 23 grams of protein.

What are the diseases barley grass is said to treat?

Barley grass is said to treat skin diseases, hepatitis, asthma, anemia, diabetes, arthritis and obesity.

What vegetation has glutens?

Wheat, Wheat grass, Barley.

Can I use a conical burr grinder to grind barley grass?

I don't see why not, if you mean barley grass as dry seeds. However, if you're intending to use it to grind sprouted barley grass, be aware that this is going to make an enormous mess inside the grinder, and the burrs will have to be removed and cleaned.

What is the Latin name for barley grass?

The scientific name for buffalo grass is: Buchloe dactyloides