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Teen slang accomplishes several things . . .

1. Slang sets you apart and makes you feel like you 'belong' to the group. This is extremely important, socially.

2. Slang helps you feel separate from all those old folks: your parents. This is part of the process of slowly leaving your parents' protection and becoming a responsible adult.

3. For some teens, slang lets them talk dirty around their parents without them knowing it. This is also part of slowly becoming separate from your parents.

It's all way bad, dude.

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What were some teenage slang from the 1950s?

Some teenage slang from the 1950s included phrases like "cool it," "cruisin' for a bruisin'," "pad," "threads," and "hot rod." These terms were often used by young people to express approval, warn of potential trouble, refer to a hangout spot, describe clothing, or talk about a fast car.

What does the word lawlz mean in teenage slang?

"Lawlz" is a variation of "lol," which stands for "laugh out loud." It is commonly used by teenagers to indicate that something is funny or amusing.

What does Gringo mean in terms of teenage slang etc?

"Gringo" is a slang term used in some Latin American countries to refer to foreigners, especially those from the United States. It can sometimes carry a negative connotation or be used in a teasing manner.

What is the meaning dudet?

'Dudet' is not a word in English language. - I suspect it is some kind of teenage slang.

What areas use slang?

most areas where there are teenage people or urban areas around or anyone with a phone

What does the teenage slang racking mean?

In teenage slang, "racking" usually means stealing or shoplifting items from a store without paying for them. It is considered illegal and unethical behavior.

What would be the purpose behind Planned Parenthood?

The purpose behind Planned Parenthoood is to prevent any more unwanted teenage pregnancies (or at least to limit them) and promote safe teenage sexual practices.

What is a ranga?

Ranga is a slang word used by teenage kids. It refers to a person with red hair, and it comes from the word Orangutan.

How can slang words bring people together?

That's the purpose of slang - to give a group of people a private language that nobody else can understand except for them.