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It does preformatted text. It displays text in a plain font and it preserves any line breaks, which normally does not happen in html. It also keeps spaces, so the text will look like it is typed in the source code.

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Q: What is the purpose of the PRE tags in HTML code?
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How do you convert image to HTML code?

In general you don't. You can convert an image into ASCII art using tools like the PNM suite, if that's what you mean; then you just need to stick <pre> </pre> tags around the converted image.

How do you change the alignment of text in body in HTML?

You can change the alignment of contents in a web page using many options. 1. Tags like <PRE> that helps you display pre-formatted text. The contents within the <PRE> and </PRE> tags are displayed on the web page by the browser without any modifications to the format the contents are arranged within them 2. You can use Cascading Style Sheets - CSS to organize the contents of your web page.

The 2 words that are normally pre printed on gift tags?

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The words that are normally pre printed on gift tags?

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What do words are normally pre-printed on gift tags?

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What words normally pre-printed on gift tags?

To: and From:

What two words are normally pre-printed on gift tags?

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Do thy still security tags on toys are they pre tag?

Some toys have security tags and some do not. It depends on what toy it is.

How do you create the service mark symbol in HTML?

Use the HTML character entity ™ (preferred) or the character decimal code ™ or the character hex code ࡊ.Use HTML Character entity ® it is a logo used for indicating registered and tradmark.

What is the definition of tags in HTML?

HTML Tag is a piece of code that defines different elements of a web document. The tags that are recognized by HTML are listed below. Not all of them are widely used (or even at all) but these are the ones recognized. For more details on each individual tag you will need to search the internet or ask more specific questions here. * ADDRESS * APPLET * AREA * A * BASE * BASEFONT * BIG * BLOCKQUOTE * BODY * BR * B * CAPTION * CENTER * CITE * CODE * DD * DFN * DIR * DIV * DL * DT * EM * FONT * FORM * H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 * HEAD * HR * HTML * IMG * INPUT * ISINDEX * I * KBD * LINK * LI * MAP * MENU * META * OL * OPTION * PARAM * PRE * P * SAMP * SCRIPT * SELECT * SMALL * STRIKE * STRONG * STYLE * SUB * SUP * TABLE * TD * TEXTAREA * TH * TITLE * TR * TT * UL * U * VAR

What is the safest way to display text to avoid conflicts with CSS?

Use <pre> tags.

Where can I find luggage tags?

You can find luggage tags item at your local airports online if they have a a gift shop. You can pre-order to see how you are going to want them to be made.