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The electrodes are able to pull the fragments towards the ends of the gel. If you're using DNA, which has a negative charge, it will be attracted to the positive electrode.

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Q: What is the purpose of the electrical current in gel electrophoresis?
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What is used to sort DNA into different lenghts?

Gel Electrophoresis

Which features of DNA fragments are used to separate them in the process of gel electrophoresis?

The separation is caused by the electrical direct current applied to the gel. Those molecules charged negatively will tend to go to the anode (positive) and those negatively charged migrate to the cathode.

What separates molecules by movement due to size and electrical charge?

gel electrophoresis

What is a technique that can be used to separate molecules in a mixture by subjecting them to an electrical field within a gel?

This is called gel electrophoresis

What is used to separate DNA fragments by size?

Electrophoresis. Restriction enzymes are used to cut DNA into fragments. Solutions containing these fragments are placed on the surface of a gel to which an electric current is applied. The electric current causes the DNA fragments to move through the gel. Because smaller fragments move more quickly than larger ones, this process separates the fragments according to size.

Which process is used to separate molecules by movement due to size and electrical charge?

gel electrophoresis

Which of the following best describes how scientists use gel electrophoresis?

Gel Electrophoresis is the technique for sorting DNA molecules based on their number of base pairs by running a current through the gel. The sample travels opposite of the direction of the electrical charge since DNA is negatively charged. Using a certain primer you can identify the BP of the sample.

what is the gel in Gel Electrophoresis?

For larger molecules like proteins we use polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). For smaller pieces like DNA we use agarose gel electrophoresis

Can a gel electrophoresis be performed both horizonnally and vertically?

yes for example 2D gel electrophoresis

A technique that can be used to compare the DNA of two or more plants is?

Gel electrophoresis

What is a common name for gel electrophoresis?


What procedure is used to separate and analyze DNA fragments by placing a mixture of DNA fragments at one end of a porous gel and supplying an electrical voltage to the gel?

agarose gel electrophoresis