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Fruit fly labs demonstrate life cycles since their life span is so short. It can also demonstrate genetic mutations in a population.

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Q: What is the purpose of the fruit fly lab?
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How many eggs can a fruit fly lay?

under lab conditions more then a thousand, in the wild... who knows? much less

Why does fruit fly lay eggs on a fruit?

Its a fruit fly

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Taxonomic levels of fruit fly?

The taxonomic levels of a fruit fly are as follows: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Diptera Family: Drosophilidae Genus: Drosophila Species: Drosophila melanogaster

How many fruit fly offspring can one fruit fly have?

The female fruit fly lays 400 eggs every 16 days.

What is the full latin name of the fruit fly?

(Drosophila melanogaster) Fruit fly.

Describe the fruit fly life cycle?

A fruit fly can live up to 40-50 days. A female fruit fly will lay her eggs on a piece of fruit or decaying organism. The eggs will hatch into larvae, eat from the fruit and grow into a full grown adult fruit fly.

Who conducts the fruit fly sterilisation?

The fruit fly sterilisation is done by YA MUM.

How much does a fruit fly weighs?

According to my homework, a fruit fly weighs about a milligram :)

Was the first animal to land on the moon a dog fruit fly or chimp?

It was a fruit fly

What is the purpose of slinky lab?

The purpose of the slinky lab is to see how waves reflect, refract, and lose and gain energy.

Would an extra pair of wings on a fruit fly help or hinder it?

It's a rather small genetical mutation to add an extra pair of wings to a fruit fly. When done in a lab, the fruit flies with extra wings couldn't fly at all. Also, according to the theory of evolutionary theory, if this extra winged fly would have better chances of surviving it would compete with the one-winged until they completely took over (which obviously hasn't happned). So in short: it would hinder it.