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A gastrostomy or g-tube leading out of the stomach in order to help prevent nausea and vomiting.

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A jejunostomy or j-tube may also be inserted into the small intestine as a pathway for supplementary feeding.

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Q: What is the purpose of the g-tube that is inserted into a stomach during a pancreatectomy?
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Why are tubes inserted during a pancreatectomy procedure?

During a pancreatectomy procedure, several tubes are also inserted for postoperative care.

What is the purpose of the drain that is inserted during a pancreatectomy?

To prevent tissue fluid from accumulating in the operated site, a temporary drain leading out of the body is inserted.

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A camera is inserted through one of the tubes and displays images on a monitor in the operating room.

What organs are removed during a total pancreatectomy?

If the pancreatectomy is total, the surgeon removes the entire pancreas and attached organs.

Why is a nasogastric tube inserted before a colostomy?

A nasogastric tube is inserted from the nose to the stomach on the day of surgery or during surgery to remove gastric secretions and prevent nausea and vomiting.

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A chest tube inserted during surgery will be checked for drainage and removed when the drainage stops. A nasogastric (nose to stomach) tube, also placed during surgery, will be used to drain stomach secretions.

When is the spleen removed during a pancreatectomy?

If the disease affects the splenic artery or vein, the spleen is also removed.

Why is the abdomen filled with carbon dioxide during a pancreatectomy?

The abdomen is filled with gas, usually carbon dioxide, to help the surgeon view the abdominal cavity.

Why is radiation therapy sometimes applied during a pancreatectomy?

Radiation therapy may also be applied during the surgery (intraoperatively) to improve the patient's chances of survival, but this treatment is not yet in routine use.

Is it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy?

it normal to have a cold stomach during pregnancy

Can you sleep on your stomach?

no, you cant sleep with a stomach during pregnancy

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At the same time as the catheter is inserted, a second electrode is placed on the patient's skin.