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To improve it's flavor by adding chocolate

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Q: What is the purpose of tobacco additives?
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Where do you get tobacco from?

From tobacco plants. Its cut, dried and additives are well....added. But dont do it. Its very bad for you.

What are three oil additives and state the purpose each of a vee engine?

Oil additives are something I do not recommend you use. The purpose of these additives is to rid you of your money while doing nothing for your engine.

Why is some tobacco darker than others?

Depends on the type of soil, environmental conditions, and additives.

Do Nat Sherman cigarettes have additives?

Hell no, they are on the high side, as it is pure tobacco

What is the purpose of additives?

To improve it's flavor by adding chocolate

Substances that are added to food for a specific purpose?

food additives

Which industry uses the most chocolate tobacco or candy?

Just think of these tobacco companies as drug-pushers who seek to addict those who use their product hoping to addict the user . The nefarious tobacco companies will add cocoa or chocolate to their tobacco products to addict the user to their products knowing that people like things that are sweet to the taste . It's an engineered addiction . Additives are used to make cigarettes that provide high levels of 'free' nicotine which increases the addictive kick of the product . Additives are also used to enhance the taste of the tobacco smoke . Sweeteners and chocolate are used to make cigarettes more palatable to children . Eugenol and menthol are added to numb the throat to mask the aggravating effects of tobacco smoke . Additives such as cocoa are used to dilate the airways allowing the smoke an easier and deeper passage into the lungs . Additives are used to mask the smell and visibility of smoke that is not breathed in by the smoker .

Is the ingridents in a cigarette in a Swisher Sweet?

Yes, there is tobacco. Yes, there is nicotine. Yes, there are additives but NO they are not necessarily identical to the chemicals in cigarettes.

Is bugler pure tobacco with no added nicotine or chemicals?

No, it has additives just like any other cig. Some old people swear that "the filters kill ya." Only cigs that claim to be all natural are non additive cigs (such as Winston non additives or any American spirit). [While Natural American Spirit cigarettes claim to be natural and organic tobacco, the tobacco is organic but the cigarettes still have many of the same additives as other tobaccos, such as vinyl acetate, which is used in the papers to make them "Fire Safe Compliant"]

Content and additives in golden Virginia rolling tobacco?

Varies from 0.3 to 1.5 mg per cigarette, depending on how much tobacco you use and thickness of rolling paper.

What products are put in a cigarette?

We find that tobacco is put in cigarettes, and paper (mostly cellulose) is used to wrap them. The filter (for smokes that have them) is largely acetate cellulose. We also find that there are additives that are put in the tobacco, and the list of possible additives is a mile long. These include substances to flavor the smoke and also something to keep the tobacco moist (humectants).To discover the chemicals that a smoker is exposed to when smoking, use the link to the Related question.

What is the statement of problem of tobacco cultivation?

the purpose of tobacco is money. the purpose of any other answer is to distract from this fact. pretty logical if your intelligence is higher than the masses.