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Q: What is the query technique that uses the column heading arrows?
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How do you delete a field from a query in access?

Right click the column heading. Then click delete field from the shortcut menu.

What types of data will form when using a crosstab query?

"row heading"

What is a correlated query?

Correlated query has a subquery in it which accesses the column name of a table alias which is outside the subquery.

What are the parts of a basic SQL query?

The basic parts of a SQL Select query are: SELECT column names FROM table name WHERE conditions ORDER BY column names The basic parts of an insert query would be: INSERT INTO table name (VALUES) The basic parts of a delete query would be DELETE FROM table name WHERE conditions The basic parts of an update query would be UPDATE TABLE table name SET column name = value WHERE conditions

Will index on a date column help in enhancing query performance in oracle?

If you are going to use the date column in the WHERE clause of you select, THEN Indexing on that date column will enhance the performance Hope this helps

What is cardinality explain with example?

In SQL (Structured Query Language), the term cardinality refers to the uniqueness of data values contained in a particular column (attribute) of a database table.The lower the cardinality, the more duplicated elements in a column. Thus, a column with the lowest possible cardinality would have the same value for every row. SQL databases use cardinality to help determine the optimal query plan for a given query.

How do you insert 10000 rows to mysql in php?

The same way you insert 1 row, just 10,000 times. There are two choices, I'm going to assume you've already connected to mysql and you are prepared to run your query: 1. Transactional method: $query = "INSERT INTO foo (column) VALUES (row1), (row2), (row3) ... (row10000);"; mysql_query($query); This is ideal when it is imperative that all rows go into the database. Keep in mind that this method will tie up the database until the entire query is completed. 2. Separate queries $query = "INSERT INTO foo (column) VALUES (row1); INSERT INTO foo (column) VALUES (row2); ... INSERT INTO foo (column) VALUES (row10000);"; mysql_query($query); This method will allow other queries to run along side and will not necessarily tie up the database, if it's ok if some rows fail this method is probably ideal.

What action is performed when a database is being searched for information?

Typically a database query is being run. This query can be simply of a single table, in which case it would return the data quickly. However if the query is complex and must search across multiple tables in a database structure the query could take some time. Think of a database as 10s, 100s or even 1000s of excel spread sheets. Each sheet is a table and the tables are interconnected by identical columns, meaning that table 1 has a column that equals a column on table 2 and table 2 has another column that is equal to a column on table 3 and so on. If the information you are querying on is in Table 10 and table 1000. The query would be quite complex and would take time.

What is single row subquery in sql?

a single row subqury is a query which will return a single row and single column

How do you retrieve data from a database and echo it on a site?

Use SELECT statement and then either use mysql_fetch_array or mysql_fetch_row or mysql_fetch_assoc <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM table_name"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['column_1']; // your column name echo $row['column_2']; | | | echo $row['final column']; } ?>

What is the fastest query you can execute for just checking to see if a value exits in a certain column on a certain table?

select fieldname from tablename where condition; here condition is nothing but one which matches the value in a column

How do you create a query in Excel?

You do not really query in excel. If you need to do a lot of queries, use a database. However, you can replicate the effect by using the filter option. Highlight a column and turn on the filter, then select the item you would like to see.