

What is the rabbit tree?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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Q: What is the rabbit tree?
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Where is the rabbit in i spy spooky night?

The rabbit is made out of tree branches on page 21

What is the preposition in The rabbit jumped over the tree?

The preposition is "over" and the phrase "over the tree" is an adverbial phrase telling where the rabbit jumped. (unless the tree has fallen to the ground, that is quite a leap)

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i want to answer

Is this sentence written correct The rabbit ran under the tree said Ted?

the sentence should be like this........."The rabbit ran under the tree", said Bob.

What contain cellulose a pine tree a cow a rabbit a fern a grass a goldfish?

A tree

What is a wild rabbit's home?

a tree or a burrow

What happens to a tree when a rabbit eats the bark off?

They will die.

Would pears make a rabbit sick?

no. my rabbits have pears all the time from my pear tree in summer. My poor old rabbit who sadly died was buried under our pear tree because she loved pears so much.

What plant or animals are symbols of England?

a red rose, an oak tree, a lion, a rabbit,

How do you know that a rabbit has a relative?

It would say on its pedigree. A pedigree is kinda like a family tree.

Rules of Golf - If a ball comes to rest within a rabbit scrape but immediately behind a tree blocking the line of sight to the hole what are the player's options?

You are allowed relief from the rabbit hole. One club length, no nearer the hole. You can not take relief from the tree unless you take a penalty drop. You are however perfectly within your rights to take free relief from the rabbit hole which allows you to avoid the tree, again only if no nearer the hole.

What does rabbit and Gnat symbolize at Single Shard?

In "A Single Shard," the rabbit and gnat symbolize different aspects of Tree-ear's journey and growth. The rabbit represents the fleeting nature of opportunities and the importance of seizing them, while the gnat symbolizes resilience and determination in the face of challenges. Together, they serve as reminders for Tree-ear to stay focused on his goals and persevere through hardships.