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Rattlesnakes are native to the Americas. They can be found from Southwestern Canada in North America to the Central Argentina in South America. They can be found in almost every type of habitat that can be found in these areas. The habitats include Prairies, Marshes, Deserts and Forests. They prefer open rocky areas where they can hide from large predators and identify plentiful prey like rodents, lizards etc that live amidst the rocks.

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Q: What is the range of rattlesnakes?
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Do rattlesnakes live in Rancho Cucamonga?

Yes, Rancho Cucamonga is in the range of several species of rattlesnakes.

How many live rattlesnakes are in the world?

No one knows, as there are many species, and cover a wide range.

What is a rattlesnake's hunting range?

Rattlesnakes rarely move more than a few hundred feet from their winter den.

Where do western diamondback rattlesnakes eat?

Anywhere in their natural range they want to eat - primarily Arkansas, California and Mexico.

What are rattlesnakes called in the desert?

Rattlesnakes are called rattlesnakes in the desert and elsewhere.

How long do rattlesnakes get?

The largest rattlesnake was an eastern diamondback that measured a bit over 8 feet in length. Most rattlesnakes are in the 2-4 foot range and some species do not even reach 2 feet in length as adults.

Why do rattlesnakes have eyelashes?

Rattlesnakes do not have eyelashes.

Are there rattlesnakes in Scotland?

There are no rattlesnakes in Scotland.

Who are not enemies of rattlesnakes?

nobody, rattlesnakes are solitary

Do diamondback rattlesnakes migrate?

No, rattlesnakes do not migrate.

Are rattlesnakes omnivores or carnivores?

Rattlesnakes are carnivores.

Do rattlesnakes play with other rattlesnakes?

no if they came in the same cage they would fight