

What is the rate at which bacteria grow?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the rate at which bacteria grow?
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What rate does bacteria grow in a refrigerator?

30 degress centergrade!!

How does the term exponential growth apply to bacteria?

bacteria cells grow at a high speed rate.

What happens to the growth rate of bacteria when you freeze them?

Freezing bacterial cultures slows the death rate of the bacteria. When bacteria is frozen it goes into a sleep state and does not grow or multiply.

What does bacteria need to grow at an optimal rate?

There are several things that bacteria need to grow at an optimal rate. The most essential factors include moisture, food, warmth and time.

Does Bacteria grow on fat?

No, bacteria do not grow on fat

What do fungi and bacteria grow from?

fungi and bacteria grow from spores.

What is bacteria that grow and reproduce?

All bacteria grow and reproduce

Can bacteria grow equally on different types of medium?

Possibly. depending on the nutritional requirements of the bacteria and what the medium provides will determine the growth rate (as well as temp, pH etc)

When food is put in the refrigerator all bacteria?

The growth of bacteria slows but does not stop. The food will still spoil but at a much slower rate.

What is the temperature grow in bacteria?

There are a few different temperatures that allow you to grow bacteria. Warm temperatures tend to grow bacteria rather well.

What bacteria don't need oxygen to grow?

Anaerobic bacteria do not require oxygen to grow. Examples of anaerobic bacteria include Clostridium and Bacteroides species. These bacteria can survive and grow in environments with little to no oxygen.

Why does bacteria grow fastest at room temperature?

It is actually wrong. The bacteria grow fastest in incubators.