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co2 ho2o2 ar,he,kr,ne+cloramphinamine

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Q: What is the reaction between corn starch citric acid and iodine?
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What is the product of the reaction between starch and iodine?

There is a dark blue colour when iodine is added to starch instead of a yellow sort of colour when iodine is added to a substance without starch.

What would happen if the iodine molecules passed through the membrane into the starch suspension?

The starch suspension would form into a blue-black precipitate. This is due to the reaction between starch and iodine.

Why iodine is specific dye to detect starch?

The reaction of the starch changing colour is the result of the formation of polyiodide chains from the reaction of starch and iodine. The amylose, or straight chain portion of starch, forms helices where iodine molecules assemble, forming a dark purple/black color.

Why starch is added in iodometric titration?

The color formed by reaction between starch and iodine is much more intense than the color of iodine itself, so that the end point can be determined more sensitively with than without starch.

Why was iodine used to indicate starch?

Iodine (in fact the ion triiodide - I-3 - form with starch a very colored complex; the reaction is specific and sensible.

What does iodine do to starch with Clinitest tablets?

I think it makes a "chemical reaction"

What happens if you add iodine drops to a non-starch?

If you add iodine to starch the start will turn to a dark color blue/blk because of the enzyne Amylase (in starch), so if it is non starch there will not be a reaction and it will be clear.

What is the purpose of adding iodine solution to the onion cell?

to check the approximatedly amount of starch in it since starch in reaction with iodine a black purple colour is formed

Starch reaction with iodine at room temperature in neutral acidic alkaline medium which colour is form?

I don't know about acidic or alkaline reactions, but in neutral conditions the reaction of iodine with starch is a dark purple color

Why doesn't iodine give a dark blue color after hydrolysis of starch?

When starch is mixed with iodine in water, an intensely colored starch/iodine complex is formed. Many of the details of the reaction are still unknown. But it seems that the iodine (in the form of I 5- ions) gets stuck in the coils of beta amylose molecules (beta amylose is a soluble starch). The starch forces the iodine atoms into a linear arrangement in the central groove of the amylose coil. There is some transfer of charge between the starch and the iodine. That changes the way electrons are confined, and so, changes spacing of the energy levels. The iodine/starch complex has energy level spacings that are just so for absorbing visible light- giving the complex its intense blue color..


An iodine solution turns a purplish-black if it comes into contact with the presence of a starch molecule. This reaction can take place at very minute concentrations of starch.