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Q: What is the reaction between ferric chloride and sulfuric acid?
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There is no reaction.

What is the mechanism of ferric chloride test?

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What is the balanced equation for the reaction of ferric chloride with ammonium hydroxide?

Ferric Chloride = FeCl3Ammonium Hydroxide = NH4OHFerric (III) Chloride + Ammonium Hydroxide = Ferric (III) Hydroxide + Ammonium Chloride FeCl3 + 3NH4OH = Fe(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl

Reaction of ferric chloride to sodium hydroxide?

When aqueous Ferric chloride is allow to react with Sodium hydroxide the reddish brown ppts. of ferric hydroxide are formed. FeCl3 (aq.) + 3NaOH = Fe(OH)3 + 3NaClThey form precipitates of Ferric hydroxide.

Another student forgets to add concentrated sulfuric acid to the reaction mixture in attempt to synthesise aspirin what would you expect the ferric chloride test to show Why?

you should expect a purple color because the reaction would not go through with out the catalyst sulfuric acid. If the reaction did go through you would expect a yellow color with pure aspirin

What is the chemistry of the reaction of 4-chlorophenol with neutral ferric chloride?

i haven't figred it out yet

Why the lemon get red in color when you cut it with knife?

This is a reaction of ferric chloride and potassium sulphite

What is Hehner's test?

Hehner's test is used to detect the formaldehyde in milk by adding sulfuric acid containing the traces of ferric chloride.

What happens when iron reacts with chlorine?

A chemical reaction ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you thick?? two halogens cannot react there shall be no reaction between iodine and chlorine

What is the pH value of ferric chloride?

The ferric chloride solution is acidic.

What is the composition of ferric chloride?

Ferric chloride contains the elements iron and chlorine.

What is the chemistry of the reaction between phenol and ferric chloride in Alkali medium?

the brawn colour is formed and this is due to the presece of the OH functional froup found in the phenol.