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There is no official meaning to the word "hobnocker." It was created for comedic effect in the TV show "iCarly" and does not have a specific definition outside of the context of the show.

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Q: What is the real meaning of the word hobnocker?
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Is saying hobnocker a legal?

A hobnocker is whatever this website says it is. Why? because in this website was made for people all over the worlds opinion of a question or meaning. So this word "hobnocker", has many different meanings of a hobnocker and you might not know what this word real meaning is. That's why this website is not so good to find meanings or definitions because 50% of these meanings are opinions and/or are not true if you want a exact meaning then you should go to GOOGLE.COM.

What is a spanish hobnocker?

A Spanish Hobnocker has the same meaning like an English Hobnocker. You can find the Meaning, Definition, Videos, Pictures, Stories and Ideas at the homepage:

Why do people call you a hobnocker?

The word Hobnocker can have different meanings. It's a fiction term and today you can find different types of Hobnocker's. You can read more about the Definition, meaning, examples, videos, pictures and stories on the website:

What does a hobnocker specificly do that is illegal and gross?

'Hobnocker' isn't in any real dictionaries and didn't show up in the internet Urban Dictionary until the word was used on iCarly, so it has no meaning other than what the show's writers implied: something gross and illegal.

What is the real definition for the word hobnocker?

"Hobnocker" is a made-up word popularized by the TV show "iCarly." It is used as a comedic insult and does not have an official definition in the English language.

Why do people call you a?

The word Hobnocker can have different meanings. It's a fiction term and today you can find different types of Hobnocker's. You can read more about the Definition, meaning, examples, videos, pictures and stories on the website:

Is hobnocker a bad word in England?

It is not used in England.

What does hobnocker mean for real?

When a male human hits themself in the head with genital areas or penis/Another meaning is when you do or say something that may be volger or innapropriate.

Wht is the wierdest word ever?

The weirdest dumbest grossest word is hobnocker

Why did icarly use the word hobnocker in the show?

ICarly: Carly said she didn't know what a hobnocker was. Sam whispered what it was in her ear. (a hobnocker is someone who walks in a restaurant naked while DOING IT with his/her hand) Carly said "EWW GROSS!!!" and Sam said "And illegal." And it IS true. I looked up "hobnocker" and that is what it said. AND it is gross and it really IS illegal

Is supercalifragilisticespialadoshes a word with and actual meaning?

It is not a real word with a real meaning.

How do you know if you are a hobnocker?

The term "hobnocker" was popularized by the TV show iCarly and is used as an insult without a specific meaning. If someone calls you a hobnocker, it's likely meant as a lighthearted insult, and it's not a real descriptor of someone's characteristics.