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Hitler never had a foster child or a biological one.

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Q: What is the real name of Hitler's foster child?
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Whats the name of Hitlers foster child?

Hitler never had a foster child although that was his dream but he never got a foster child ppl say that he had a foster child but some of as are not really sure.This a real fact that ppl said to me "he did have a foster child called Wendy but as i said ppl are not really sure.

Is Justin Bieber a foster child?

Justin Bieber is so not a foster child he lives with his real parents

What is hitlers real name?

Alphonso Delfigalo Rameraz

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Aloïs Schickelgrüber Aloïs Schickelgrüber,

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Is Sabrina Bryan a foster child in real life?

no its just a movie

What is Tuck Everlasting Winnie's real name?

Winnifred Foster

What was the real name of the comics character Bouncing Boy?

Bouncing Boy's real name is Charles Foster (Chuck) Taine.

Does the money people get for the foster child get spent on the real child instead?

Not every foster family has their own children. And it is impossible to track the money down to the penny but foster families do have to account for spending the money. Yes there is some bad people in the system and some fraud.

What is Winnie in Tuck everlasing real name?

Winnifred Foster

What is Winnie's real whole name from the book Tuck Everlasting?

Winnie Foster

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his real name is Talib Johnson