

What is the reason for developing Turbo C?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the reason for developing Turbo C?
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What are examples of turbo c?

1. Turbo C is an example of Integrated Developing Environment. 2. Turbo C has example programs, the most important is bgidemo.c

What are the function of turbo c?

It's an Integrated Developing Environment.

What is turbo c-language?

Nothing. C is the language, TurboC is an Integrated Developing Environment (IDE).

Why is turbo C is considered as an object oriented programming?

TurboC is an Integrated Developing Environment (IDE) for C language.

What is the differentiate of turbo c from turbo c plus plus?

Turbo C compiles c source. turbo c++ compiles c++ source code.

Who developed turbo C language?

Well, TurboC is not a language, it is an IDE (Integrated Developing Environment), it was developed by Borland (based on an older program called Wizard C).

How turbo c executes c as well as c?

turbo c cannot execute c++ as well..since c++ is the superset of c .the cprograms can be compiled in turbo c++.

Syntax of turbo c?

+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C

Major difference of turbo c and ansi c and its structures?

Turbo C is an earlier C compiler from Borland. ANSI C is the standard for the C programming language. Therefore, the two are different by definition - Turbo C is a computer program, and ANSI C is a specification for a computer program, which can be implemented in various ways. If we rephrase the question as "what are the difference between the C versions as depicted in the ANSI standard and as implemented in Turbo C?" I would say that most are PC-specific such as the use of far pointers.

What are the basic operator in turbo c?

+ += - -= * *= / /= % %= = == != <= >= & && | ^ ~ << <<= >> >>= , [] () are the basic operator in TURBO C

What is difference between Turbo and Borland C?

turbo is word to do the programming language in c & c++ and i do no about borland

Is there any difference between turbo c and c plus plus?

turbo c is a compiler and c++ is a programming language.