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it is steam from water being used as a coolant for the plant.

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Q: What is the reason of white smoke from chimney of power plant?
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Tree is to shade as chimney is to what?

Smoke. A chimney releases smoke just as a tree provides shade.

A passage for smoke chimney?

shouldn't your question be," A passage for smoke in a chimney"? just saying

How does smoke move in the chimney?

Smoke moves in the chimney due to the difference in temperature and pressure between the inside and outside of the chimney. As hot air rises, it creates a draft that draws the smoke up and out of the chimney. The design of the chimney, including its height and width, can also impact how efficiently the smoke is expelled.

What did a big chimney say to the little chimney?

"You're too young to smoke!"

The visible smoke coming out of a chimney is called?

The visible smoke coming out of a chimney is typically called chimney smoke or chimney emissions. It is produced when a substance is burned in the fireplace or stove and consists of small particles and gases.

Why is smoke going in the house and not up the chimney?

A chimney will suck air from the house only if there is wind above the chimney. Air movement at the top causes a partial vacuum in the chimney which pulls the smoke up. The smoke could get into the house due to several reasons: there is no wind above the chimney; the chimney is blocked, the smoke is being directed away from the chimney due to other areas of low pressure in the house. You could probably rectify the problem by raising the chimney so that it catches more wind, cooking closer to the chimney inlet, making chimney diameter wider so that there is less resistance to the passage of smoke. Hassan

What can be a sentence using the word smoke?

There was smoke coming from the chimney.

What is the preposition in Smoke went up the chimney?

The preposition in the sentence "Smoke went up the chimney" is "up." It shows the direction of the smoke's movement.

A passage for smoke?

chamber, chimney

What is the answer tree is to ground as chimney is to what?


What is the cloud of smoke that comes from a factory chimney?

very thick smoke

What smoke does the chimney issue when pope is elected?

White smoke issues from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel if the voting has successfully elected a new pope.