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When you buy your build-a-bear, make an account and then go to the home screen for build-a-bear and at the very bottom of the picture, there should be something that says enter receipt code. Once you click on it, it should ask for your password and username. Then it will go to a screen asking for the receipt and if you are a stuff-for-stuff member. I'm not sure if you have to be a member, but you get at least 2,000 bear bills for turning in the recipt code, (it should be at the bottom of your receipt), if turn it in with the stuff-for-stuff card too, you should get at least 3 store credits. I hope I helped answer the people with this question! thnx.

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Q: What is the receipt code for build-a-bearville?
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How do you get rides on Build-A-Bearville?

you have to have a receipt code and enter it at the buildabearville workshop.

What code is for a receipt codes?

I receipt code in buildabearville is bear credits that you get. To get the bear credits, you need to have a purchase at buildabear and at the bottom of your receipt there will be a code. That code lets you buy exclusive item in bearoutfitters, in buildabear. Thanks for reading this! Sincerely, Gillian Hinkle

What is a receipt code for Build-a-Bearville?

I receipt code in buildabearville is bear credits that you get. To get the bear credits, you need to have a purchase at buildabear and at the bottom of your receipt there will be a code. That code lets you buy exclusive item in bearoutfitters, in buildabear. Thanks for reading this! Sincerely, Gillian Hinkle

How can I buy clothes on Build-a-Bearville if I threw away the receipt?

For bear boutiqua a receipt code but for pawlete confur boutiqua you just need bear bills which you can ern by playing games in buildabearville.

What are Build-a-Bearville store credits?

When you buy something at the buildabear workshop,you get a receipt code. When you enter the code you get store credits in buildabearville. You can buy items with your credits at the bear boutique.

Why wont the receipt code work for Build-a-Bearville?

I think it takes a while for the shop to put it through for you to use it on Buildabearville. That's what I heard anyway so don't worry it happens to me all the time!

What is a buildabearville code?

a buildabearville code is 12 letters and numbers or just numbers put together into a code. which u can use at the build-a-bear-workshop at the town square to get free items, money, or u can use the code to bring a animal to life. one buildabearville code is '''TK3Z-6V8PV48L another code is milk-rcks-2008 '''

How do you get the credits on Build-a-bearville from buying an accessory?

When you buy things in the Build a Bear Workshop, on the bottom of your receipt should be a little section saying something like 'You have earned free virtual stuff on!' or something like that. Underneath that will be a code which when you go onto buildabearville, you can enter to claim your credits. You need to go into the virtual Build a Bear Workshop on buildabearville which is just off the Town Square and click on the associate behind the desk, who is a bear called Champ. Click on 'Enter receipt code', put the code in, click enter and then you will have your credits! Hope this helped you!

How Do you Get A Code For Buildabearville?

visit my site at to have all the answeres

Where to enter receipt code?

RS recor16c/ea on receipt

Does anyone have a buildabearville code that is something like an emotion or a bear code?

There is every code possible on this web site:

Does anyone have a free receipt code?

Someone giving you their receipt code is illegal. You have to buy a bear in order to get one.