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It is suggested that a vegetarian diet best suits individuals with the A blood type. Foods such as soy proteins, grains, and organic vegetables are best.

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Q: What is the recommended diet for blood type A?
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What is the recommended diet for one with Type A blood?

The recommended diet for blood type A is to eat a diet that consists of mainly vegetables. This is because when the A blood type was mutated, humans mainly ate vegetables.

What diet should i be on for my blood type?

If you have the blood type A, it is recommended that you follow a diet high in vegetables and fish. For this blood type it is recommended that you avoid red meat altogether. With this blood type it is also recommended you limit your dairy intake.

How do I diet according to my blood type, blood type A?

The diet that is recommended for blood type A, is a low-fat vegetarian diet. Yoga and golf are the recommended exercises for this blood type. Dr. D'Adamo's book would be a good reference to what you should and should not do when using this diet.

Is a vegetarian food diet recommended if you have blood type A?

A mostly vegetarian diet is recommended for those who have blood type A. A diet consisting of mainly fruits and vegetables, as well as consuming foods high in carbohydrates and low in fat, is recommended.

Is the blood type diet plan recommended by physicians?

The blood type diet is a fad diet. You can get information on blood type diets at There are also specific medical conditions that tend to happen more often depending on your blood type.

Does the blood O type diet allow meat?

Type O did well on a high-protein, meat-based dietIn general, the diet recommendations for each blood type include a variety of foods and are well-balanced. Because the diet recommended for person with Type O blood emphasizes meat, care should be taken not to exceed recommended portion sizes and to balance meat consumption with adequate amounts of Type O recommended fruits and vegetables or the Blood Type O diet may provide higher than recommended amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol.

According to the blood type diet, what type of diet is recommended for someone with type A positive blood?

For a person who has an A positive blood type, it is best to eat fresh, organic foods. For someone your type, you should engage in calming exercise three times out of the week.

What are the constituents of type o negative blood type diet?

A type o negative blood type diet consists of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Wheat, beans, corns, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower are not recommended.

Is there any type of diet that is associated with blood types?

Yes, there is a diet known as the Blood Type Diet, which is recommended by physician Dr. Peter D'Adamo. More information about this diet can be found at his website, However, this diet is not supported by any clinical research trials.

What is a blood type diet?

blood type diet is a diet based on your blood type. From the Afghan Beast

What is a good meal for blood type A diet?

Blood type is to do with antigens and anti bodies, and is inhertited from parents, and it doesn't really link to your food in most ways. Also there is no recommended diet for certain blood types, most people don;'t know what blood type they are :/

What should i eat with type O blood?

High protein low fat food is recommended for those with blood type O. Fish, chicken and lean beef are just some of the recommended foods on the type O diet.