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For minor cases, hydrocortisone cream, Calamine lotion, Benadryl capsules, oatmeal or baking soda baths.

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Q: What is the recommended treatment for minor allergic reactions to poison ivy and poison oak?
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Poison ivy reactions are an example of what condition?

Poison ivy reactions are an example of an allergic condition, which is associated with cytotoxic T-cell activation.

Is poison ivy real poison?

Poison Ivy is not REAL Poison. Its a issue in the immune system that will make it react to you. If you have a serious case or allergic reactions you would need to seek medical attention.

Can babies get poison ivy?

Anyone can get Poison Ivy if you are allergic to it.

What time of the year can you get poison ivy?

Summer tends to be the season that people identify as the 'worst' for poison ivy [Toxicodendron radicans] allergic reactions. But that's just because there are greater chances for human contact with the plant. In fact, urushiol oil, which is the cause of the reactions, is present in all plant body parts year round. Indeed, a fence against which poison ivy brushed may bring on an allergic reaction as much as 1-1/2 years later.

What are the precautions associated with treatment of poison ivy and poison oak?

The allergic reaction should be treated by immediately washing the area with soap and water. Taking a bath immediately is not recommended as it could spread the reaction.

Can someone not be allergic to poision ivy?

Yes, I know people who are unaffected by poison ivy. However, the toxins in poison ivy can build up in your system so that with repeated exposure those same people can develop reactions later in life.

Does mangoes have skins?

yes but its edible.although it can cause allergic reactions, similar to the reaction to poison ivy which mango is related is a good idea to peel your mango if you have any concerns of allergies or if you possibly have had any contact with stuffs such as poison ivy and suffered from this.

Poison Ivy Identification and Treatment?

Poison ivy is a plant indigenous to North America. It is known for causing severe itching and other allergic reactions. Education about the plant and its reactions on the human body is key to preventing allergic reactions. Recognizing poison ivy is the best way to prevent allergic reactions. Poison ivy is not a true ivy; instead, it may appear as a low ground vine, a climbing vine or a medium-sized shrub. Some of the easiest ways to identify it are by its groupings of three leaves each, its leaves' glossy appearance and its hairy stems. Although some individuals may never have a reaction when they come in contact with this plant, around eighty percent of people will. The most common reaction is a rash from coming in contact with the plant's sap, called urushiol. The rash will often appear as red, raised bumps that will eventually turn into blisters. The rash will typically occur within a day to a week from contact, and the allergic reaction can last from one to four weeks. Most reactions occur on the skin. Other types of reactions are much more dangerous and irritating to the body. For example, the smoke from burning poison ivy plants can coat the lungs with urushiol. Eating the plant can cause extreme reactions on the linings of the mouth, stomach and other areas of the digestive tract. Serious reactions to poison ivy should be referred to the emergency room since they may require medical treatment. In addition, those who have rashes lasting longer than several weeks may require prescription steroids or anti-itch creams. However, most rashes that occur on the skin can be treated at home. The home remedy that most doctors will recommend is a type of anti-itch cream such as Benadryl or calamine lotion. Warm baths and plain baking soda may also soothe the skin. Poison ivy is a common plant to North America that grows plentifully in undeveloped areas. Identifying the plant itself may be all that is needed to reduce the chance of exposure. For those who do develop an allergic reaction, multiple medical and home remedies are helpful.

Is pie deadly?

It can be if you put poison or a bomb in it or if allergic to it NO!

Are snakes immune to poison ivy?

Yes the only animals to be allergic to poison ivy are humans.

Can bees poison their vitims if so how?

They don't poison people, but some are allergic to bee stings.

Is everyone allergic to brown recluse bites?

No, not everyone is allergic to brown recluse bites. Many times the reaction comes from the venom. If however someone is allergic and also reacts to the venom it could cause some medical complications especially for the elderly and children.