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19 days 21 hours and 55 minutes by Betrand Piccard and Brian Jones

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Q: What is the record for flying around the world in a balloon and who set it?
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What world record did Alfred Wegener set in 1906?

In 1906, Wegener and his brother set a world record when they entered an international balloon contest by flying for 52 hours straight

What is the world record for hitting a punch balloon?

The World Record for hitting a punch balloon is 2,536,897 times.

Is the easiest world record?

The easiest world record is by far is when you bounce a balloon for a while.

Who kept a balloon in the air for the longest time?

Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones when they flew around the world in 1999. They were flying a very special balloon, a combination of a helium and a hot air balloon and were aloft for 477h 47m.

What is the record distance traveled by a hot air balloon?

Steve Fossett holds the Absolute World Distance Record in hot air balloon travel with a distance of 14,235.33 statute miles. In 2002, Fossett completed the RTW challenge, navigating a hot air balloon around the world for a total of five times.

What is the world record for keeping a balloon in the air on your head?


Is there a world record for longest standing balloon?

As of my last update, the longest time a balloon has been stood on is 17 hours, 21 minutes, and 15 seconds. This record was achieved by Anthony Trahair of the UK in 1998.

What is the world record of throwing a balloon in the air the catching it again?


What is the world record of bouncing a balloon with a partner?

I tried it with my cousin and its 330

What is the world record for how many times can you hit a balloon before it hits the ground?

Patrick lukert did it on November 7, 2010 54,582 times

What is the world record for keeping a disinflated balloon in the air?

The world record for keeping a disinflated balloon in the air is 25.7 seconds, achieved by Ashrita Furman (USA) in 2014.

Which Indian has set the world record for gas balloon ride?

Jagdish Purohit and Anil Punia from India set the world record for the longest distance traveled in a gas balloon. They flew 2161.5 km in a gas balloon during the 2010 Gordon Bennett Cup.