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A girl called Lisa started menstruating at 8 months, and had a son at 5 years of age.

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Q: What is the record for youngest menarche?
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Who is the youngest on record to go through puberty?

There is none.

What is a menarche?

Menarche is the term used to describe a woman's first period.

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What age do girls start a menstrual cycle?

The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old, however anything between 10-16 is considered normal. In rare cases girls can start menstruation far earlier, the worlds youngest ever recorded mother for example reached menarche at just 2 years old.

What is menarche?

Menarche is the first occurrence of menstruation in a person assigned female at birth. It marks the onset of puberty and reproductive maturity. A person usually experiences menarche around the ages of 10-15.

Is menarche the ending of the normal menstrual function?

False. Menarche is the BEGINNING of normal menstrual functions.

How has Taylor Swift changed music history?

She broke the record of the youngest person to write a song on their own. She was seventeen. She also broke the world record as the youngest person to win a Grammy award for the Album of the year.

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the youngest pogo stck champoin was a 7 year old his name Devon Sloan 2013

What age is the Guinness record for youngest baby to walk?

The Guinness World Record for the youngest baby to walk is held by a child who started walking at just 6 months and 10 days old, achieved by a boy named Xavier King in 2010.

What does the term menarche refer to?

Menarche refers to the beginning of a woman's reproductive ability and menopause refers to its end.

What is the youngest baby on record to crawl?

My cat learnt to crawl at about 4 days old.