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Q: What is the record number of monogamous marriages by one man?
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Largest number of marriages by a single man?

Three. Most men do not marry more than once, but some will marry at least a couple of times. whats the most time one man has married

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Whether or not the man is bisexual is not really an issue. A bisexual man can be just as monogamous and faithful as any other type of man.

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A pragmatic marriage is one that is arranged by the parents without regard to the child's preferences or desires and a same-sex marriage is a union between two parties of the same gender. In the United States, only a monogamous marriage between a man and woman is considered to be valid, although Massachusetts does allow for same-sex marriages as well.

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Sam the Record Man ended in 2007.

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Sam the Record Man was created in 1937.

What is the most common type of marriage?

If you go by 'number of people' then monogamy (one man one woman) is the most common. If you go by the number of cultures then polygyny (one man many women) is the most common even though the vast number of people in these cultures are monogamous. In the aftermath of major wars unofficial polygyny become quite common even though it is not admitted to.

What is d maximum number of wives a man had?

Solomon in the Bible had 700 wives and 300 concubines. That could be the record.

If a man marries 4 wives in a country where it is legal what happens to those marriages if he wants to become a citizen of the US where polygamy is illegal?

None. Polygamous marriages are not legal in the United States - period! Even if the marriages took place in a nation where they were legal, if a polygamous man moves to the United States and continues his polygamous relationships, he will be breaking the law.