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A year cause i did it

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Q: What is the record of taking it out at night and putting it inside of your mouth tell you go to sleep?
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How is wind grade defined?

by putting your finger in your mouth and taking it out and if your finger drys that means it is not cold

How do elephant get there food?

By using there trunks, this is done by taking long breach's and putting it there mouth then using their tongue to strip it.

Is it possible to have a shark tooth inside a human's mouth?

No, because a shark and a human are not related. You could only get one by putting one in your mouth..but only stupid people do that.

How do you give up smoking alcohols and drugs?

You stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting them. And stop buying/taking drugs.

Mechanical digestion in the mouth what is it?

Mechanical digestion in the mouth is the process of chewing the food by the teeth with the help of saliva. The whole process taking place inside the mouth. The process is called "mastication."

What happens when you use bleach while taking a mouth swab?

Dude, do NOT rinse your mouth out with bleach no matter what your buddies tell you. You won't get rid of the THC. You will get popped for bleach--it's called adulteration and they're REAL fussy about it; no one drinks bleach unless they're trying to beat a drug test and listening to their buddies And you'll injure yourself badly.

How do you take out the habit of putting finger in your mouth like babies?

If one has this habit, they must consciously stop putting their finger in their mouth.

Can you get sick from putting a swan feather in your mouth?

You know it really depends if you are use to putting a feather in your mouth but all weird things you put in your mouth will make you sick, Yes

What is a organ inside your mouth?

inside your mouth is the teeth and tonisles

How did Cleopatra eat ham?

by putting it in her mouth

Cold sores inside the mouth?

Sores inside the mouth are called canker sores.

How do you feed poorly toddlers?

putting food into their mouth.