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Q: What is the reduction of the diameter in the lumen called?
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What is the medical term meaning inner diameter of a tube?

The medical term for the inner diameter of a tube is "lumen."

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Is the diameter of the lumen larger in arteries or in capillaries?

Arteries have the largest diameter, then arterioles, and last, capillaries.

Reduction of the diameter of tunica intima is called?

The reduction of the diameter of the tunica intima is called stenosis. Stenosis refers to the narrowing of a blood vessel, which can restrict or obstruct blood flow. This can lead to various health issues depending on the location and severity of the stenosis.

What is the internal space of a blood vessel called?

called lumen

What is the increase of diameter in a blood vessel called?

Vasodilation: Widening of blood vessels resulting from relaxation of the muscular wall of the vessels. What widens is actually the diameter of the interior (the lumen) of the vessel. The opposite of vasoconstriction.

Does capillaries have a lumen?

Yes, they are very narrow (1 Red Blood Cell in diameter).yes.they have lumen so that erythrocytes can moves through theb,

What is the process called which involves the contraction of smooth muscle in the artery wall reducing the diameter of the lumen?

The process is called vasoconstriction. It is when the smooth muscle contracts in the artery wall, causing the lumen to become narrower, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

What is the width of a lumen in a vein?

The width/ diameter is the length form one wall to the other.

Is Vasodilation is a widening of the lumen due to smooth muscle contraction?

No.Vasodilatation, ie, widening of vascular lumen is caused due to vascular smooth muscles' relaxation.While, vasoconstriction, ie, decrease in diameter of the lumen is caused due to smooth muscle contraction.

Lumen is the size of red blood cells?

Lumen refers to the inner space within a tubular structure such as a blood vessel or intestine, through which substances pass. It is not a measure of size like red blood cells but rather the open space within the structure. Red blood cells are typically around 6-8 micrometers in diameter, much larger than the lumen of small blood vessels.

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