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Q: What is the region that Chinook and Tillamook indians lived in?
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What is the region is Chinook Indians from?

The Chinook Indians have always lived in Southwest Washington and Northwest Oregon. Mainly along the Columbia River.

When did the Chinook lived?

The Chinook Indians have always resided in the lower Columbia River region and always will. The Chinook Tribe is alive and well.

What is the Chinooks indians region?

The Chinook Indians have lived (and still do) in their ancestral homelands for about 10,000 years. The ancestral homeland of the Chinook people is: From West to East from the mouth of the Columbia River East to the present day Oregon city The Dalles. And from North to south from the present day Washington town of Grayland South to the Oregon town of Tillamook.

The Chinook Indians lived along the coast of northern?

yes they did in the pacific northwest region

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Inut, Aleut, Tillamook, Eyak, Chinook, Tlingit

When did the the Chinook Indians live?

The Chinook Indians have lived (and still do) in theirancestral homelands for about 10,000 years. Theancestral homelandof the Chinook people is:From West to East from the mouth of the Columbia River East to the present day Oregon city The Dalles. And from North to south from the present day Washington town of Grayland South to the Oregon town of Tillamook.

What houses did the Chinook Indians live in?

Chinook Indians lived in long houses made of cedar boards.

What is the name meaning for Chinook Indians?

The Chinook Indians take their name from the village they lived in on the Columbia river.

What landforms did the Chinook Indians have?

the chinook indian lived in rocky land forms

What shelter did the Tillamook Indians use?

The Tillamook had very long houses made of wood. Some of them were 1000 feet long.

Where does Chinook live?

The Chinook Indians have lived (and still do) in their ancestral homelands for about 10,000 years. The ancestral homeland of the Chinook people is:From West to East from the mouth of the Columbia River East to the present day Oregon city The Dalles. And from North to south from the present day Washington town of Grayland South to the Oregon town of Tillamook.

Where do Chinook live?

The Chinook Indians have lived (and still do) in their ancestral homelands for about 10,000 years. The ancestral homeland of the Chinook people is:From West to East from the mouth of the Columbia River East to the present day Oregon city The Dalles. And from North to south from the present day Washington town of Grayland South to the Oregon town of Tillamook.