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Q: What is the reinforcement process used to train an animal to do something it has never done before and would never do on its own known as?
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Which reinforcement is safe under or over reinforcement?

Under reinforcement is safe because in this case steel fails before concrete.

How do the four schedules of reinforcement work?

Fixed-ratio schedule - reinforcement depends on a specific number of correct responses before reinforcement can be obtained. Like rewarding every fourth response. Variable-ratio schedule - reinforcement does not required a fixed or set number of responses before reinforcement can be obtained. Like slot machines in the casinos. Fixed-interval schedule - reinforcement in which a specific amount of time must elapse before a response will elicit reinforcement. Like studying feverishly the day before the test. Variable-interval schedule - reinforcement in which changing amounts of time must elapse before a response will abtain reinforcement.

What is the process in bonding?

the process of getting to know something or someone better than you did before

What holds upper reinforcement before applying concrete?


Are electronic dog collars useful for training Labradors?

At times these can be useful, like when training your dog not to bark when you are not at home to correct the behavior. However, I would train the dog using positive reinforcement before you try negative reinforcement. This means that you reward a dog when they do something correct with a treat and/or praise. When your dog does something bad you tell it no sternly. Depending on the severity you can put the dog in a "time out" in his crate, so they learn the lesson. Labradors are very smart though, and are food motivated. They should be easy to train using positive reinforcement.

What is the meaning of pre-heat?

To heat something partly, before completing the process later.

What is a fixed ratio schedule?

In instrumental conditioning, a reinforcement schedule in which a specific number of responses are required before a reinforcer is delivered. For example, FR 5 means that reinforcement arrives after every fifth response.

On Star Wars battlefront 2 for PC how do you make it so you can be the last person alive on your team?

Spawn before your reinforcement count drops below 16, then survive until your reinforcement count reaches 1.

What has to happen in the criminal justice process before something else takes place?

plan, imagination and initial idea

Is hyde leather?

yes No Hide is what is removed from the animal and it has to go through the tannning process before it can be called leather. You do not see leather on animals.

Which animal was the national animal of India before 1972?

Lion was the national animal of India before 1972.

Can buzzards gather before someone dies or do they wait until something dies?

Scavengers can estimate when an animal is in distress and they will gather and wait. They will strike when they are ready, even if the animal is still alive but very weak.