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The theoritic problem is that five people said that and it came true.. Why is it called a grasshopper

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Q: What is the relationship between a grasshopper and leaves?
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What is the relationship between grasshopper and leaves?

Kyle Dennison

What is the symbiotic relationship between leaves and a grasshopper?

Depending what size it is a meal, a huge meal (with take out), or a family meal. Or they might make in to a temporary shelter or home. POSSIBLLY both.

Is there any relationship between the grasshopper and grass?

Yes, there is a relationship between the grass and the grasshopper. The insects in question (Caelifera suborder) number among the world's herbivores. They prioritize grasses and grassy plants as preferred food sources.

Does a grasshopper eat leaves?

no, a grasshopper eats mostly grass and dried grass because the materials in it help the grasshopper get stronger for bigger jumps and bigger size.

What insects does the grasshopper eat?

grasshoppers eat leaves

What is the relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves?

The relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves are that the xylum and the phloem work together to make food

Will a grasshopper eat marijuana?

Yes. It will eat the shade leaves.

Does grasshopper match the leaves?

yea it does. grasshoppers are green right?

How do grasshopper obtain food?

Grasshoppers eat leaves and grasses.

What animal is nearest the grasshopper in biological relationship?


What does the labrum do for the grasshopper?

The labrum on a grasshopper helps them cut and chew leaves and grass. It is part of the grasshoppers upper jaw and is flat.

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plant leaves