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The relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves are that the xylum and the phloem work together to make food

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Q: What is the relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves?
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What are the plant tissues that transport nutrients away from the leaves?

The plant tissues that transport nutrients away from the leaves are called phloem. Phloem tissues consist of living cells and are responsible for the transportation of sugars, amino acids, and other organic molecules from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

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the inner delicate tissues will dry up hence the plant leaves shrinking due2 no transport of water and mineral salt.

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Which tissues are the main transport tissues in plants?

Xylem transports water up to the leaves.Water:Is absorbed from the soil through root hair cellsIs transported through the xylem vessels up the stem to the leaves.Evaporates from the leaves (transpiration)But the phloem transports nutrients to the leaves.

What is the relationship between an accacia tree and giraffe?

The giraffe eats the trees leaves.

What is the function of the vascular tissues?

Xylem. To carry water from the roots of the plant to the leaves of the plant.Phloem. To carry the manufactured sugars from where the are manufactured, leaves generally, to throughout the plant and wherever needed.

What are three fuctions of a stem?

There are four that I know of. One is the support and elevation of leaves. A second is transport of substances of material from the roots to the leaves and the rest of the plant. The third simple one is the storage of nutrients and the last that I know of is the production of new, living tissues.

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conduction of water and minerals between the roots and leaves.

The vascular tissues that transport water minerals food and nutrients are?

Xylem transports water up to the leaves.Water:Is absorbed from the soil through root hair cellsIs transported through the xylem vessels up the stem to the leaves.Evaporates from the leaves (transpiration)But the phloem transports nutrients to the leaves.

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What happens to carbon dioxide when it leaves the tissues?

It is released