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leaves are organs of the plant

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Q: Are leaves are tissues or organs in plants?
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Tissues combine to form organs and organ systems.?

Tissues combine to form organs such as plant leaves perform photosynthesis

Do plants have organs?

Yes, they do. Leaves are organs, roots are organs, etc.

What plants organs are made up of tissues?


What specialized tissues do vascular plants have that other plants do not?

Vascular plants have tissues for moving water around.

Why do plants need organs?

Plants need organs to carry out specific functions such as photosynthesis, water and nutrient absorption, reproduction, and support. Different organs, such as leaves, stems, roots, and flowers, have specialized structures and tissues that enable them to perform their respective tasks effectively. These organs work together to ensure the plant's survival and growth.

Leaves of plants are attached to what organs?

I think its the xylem

What are the organs in which plants carry out photosynthesis?

the leaf

What can you about an organism with no tissues?

A unicellular organism lacks tissues, organs, and organ systems.

What is the relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves?

The relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves are that the xylum and the phloem work together to make food

What will happen to the organisms if plant doesn't have leaves?

if the plants don't have leaves, the organs will die.

What importances are the pores to leaves?

they serve as the breathing organs for plants

Why are Organs not tissues?

Organs are made up of many tissues. Tissues are a building block of organs. For example: Tissues are to organs as bricks are to houses.