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Q: What is the relationship between a synapse and neurotransmitter?
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What is the difference between Neuron and synapse?

A neuron is a nerve cell. A synapse is a gap between the sending and receiving neurons, where there are neurotransmitters responsible for transporting chemicals to the receiving neuron. (A neurotransmitter is a chemical messenger.)

What is the area between neurons across which nerve impulses travel?

no, synapse. node of ranvier is between axon and dendrites

What is contained inside a synaptic terminal?

There is isotonic fluid inside the synapse. Neurotransmitter is released there inside the synapse.

What is the small space between one neuron and the next is called?

A synapse, chemical signals called neurotransmitters cross these gaps, carrying on the signal.

What do you call the chemical released by the axon that travels across a synapse and binds on the dendrites of the other neurons or body cells?

neurotransmitter neurotransmitter neurotransmitter

Drugs act at the synapse by?

replacing, decreasing, or enhancing the amount of neurotransmitter

What type of chemicals moves across the space between two nerve cells?

chemical synapse