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The magnetic field will be perpendicular to the electric field and vice versa.

More DetailAn electric field is the area which surrounds an electric charge within which it is capable of exerting a perceptible force on another electric charge.

A magnetic field is the area of force surrounding a magnetic pole, or a current flowing through a conductor, in which there is a magnetic flux. A magnetic field can be produced when an electric current is passed through an electric circuit wound in a helix or solenoid.

The relationship that exists between an electric field and a magnetic field is one of electromagnetic interaction as a consequence of associating elementary particles.

The electrostatic force between charged particles is an example of this relationship.

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The relationship that exists between an electric field and a magnetic field is one of electromagnetic interaction as a consequence of associating elementary particles.

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Q: What is the relationship between electricity and magnetisum?
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Are electricity and magnetisum are same things?

No, electricity and magnetism are not the same things. Electricity refers to the flow of charged particles through a conductor, while magnetism is a force that arises from the movement of charged particles and is characterized by the attraction or repulsion between objects. However, they are closely related through electromagnetism, which describes their interaction.

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because they are both aspects of the electromagnetic force.

The interaction between electricity and magnetism?

Electromagnestism. The definition of electromagnestism is the relationship between electircity and magnestism!

Who discovered the magntic effect of an electric current?

Hans Christian Oersted established the relationship between electricity and magnetism in 1820.

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Who discovered Magnetic force?

A French scientist named Andre-Marie Ampere studied the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

What relationship does electricity and magnetism have with each other?

they both produce electricity.

How did Oersted discover the relationship between an electricity and magnetism?

He used an electric current to affect the needle of a compass.

What are 3 devices you see or use everyday that make use of the relationship between electricity and magnetism to operate?

speakers, microphones and electric motors

Why is the relationship between electricity and magnetism important to people?

Their relationship is the basis of virtually all modern technology from radio, television, satellites, nano-technology, lasers etc. On a more basic level the interplay between magnetic and electric fields is what makes a dynamo work, which power the lights on bicycles or converts steam power (in for example a nuclear power plant) to electricity.

What is the relationship between atoms and static electricity?

Static electricity is a result of an imbalance of positive and negative charges on objects. Atoms contain protons (positively charged) and electrons (negatively charged) that interact with each other. When objects rub against each other, electrons can be transferred between atoms, creating a build-up of static electricity.