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Q: What is the relationship between karma dharma and reincarnation?
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What is relationship between karma and dharma?

our actions is called karma, performing is dharma.

What is the relationship between Dharma Karma Samsara Moksha and the Caste System?

The relationship between Dharma Karma Samsara, Moksha and the Caste Systemis is the accepting of the doctrine of transmigration. It was the rebirth and the complementary of Karma.

How can dharma karma and reincarnation coincide with each other?


What are the major beliefs or Hinduism?

major belief of Hinduism are Dharma (righteous living) Artha (material prosperity) Kāma (enjoyment) & Moksha (liberation).

What are the major teachings of Hinduism?

Hindu beliefs depend on the person. But commonly these three can be taken as major beliefs: 1. 'Dharma' (duty and righteous action being more important than belief in Gods and Goddesses. 2. Rebirth according to karma (good and evil deeds). 3. Polytheism.

What religion believes in rebirth and karma?

= Hinduism believes in karma but karma does not mean rebirth. =

How did the Hindu concepts of Dharma Karma the Caste system and reincarnation influence the Indian literature and culture?

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When was Dharma Karma created?

Dharma Karma was created in 1997.

What believes and practices do Hindus have?

Hinduism has beliefs such as The Law of Cause and Effect (karma). Dharma (righteous living) & Reincarnation (punarjanma) , Incarnation (avatāra).

Karma and reincarnation?

Karma is the theory that if you do good, good will come to you. If you do bad, bad will come to you. This belief is very popular among the bhuddists because they believe that everything should be at peace.

When was karma created?

Dharma Karma was created in 1997.

Relationship between karma and dharma?

Hinduism believes in the concept of reincarnation. What determines the state of an individual in the next existence is karma which refers to the actions undertaken by the body and the mind. In order to achieve good karma it is important to live life according to dharma. This involves doing what is right for the individual, the family, the community and also for the universe itself. Dharma is like a cosmic norm and if one goes against the norm it can result in bad karma. So, dharma affects the future according to the karma accumulated. Therefore, one's dharmic path in the next life is determined by their past karma.