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= Hinduism believes in karma but karma does not mean rebirth. =

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I f you understand ,all religions of world include Karma and reincarnation theory include Christianity for more ask me.

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Hinduism believes in reincarnation and karma dharma.

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Q: What religion believes in rebirth and karma?
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What religion besides Hinduism believes in the process of rebirth recarnation and influence china?

Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism. Buddhism believes in the process of rebirth reincarnation

What religion are you if you do not believe in god but you do believe in reincarnation and karma?

The answer is Buddhism. It believes in the teachings of the Buddha.

Religion that believes in reincarnation through rebirth?

The Hindus belive in this. The Egyptians also believe in this too

What religion believes in karma but not reincarnation?

Karma and reincarnation are intertwined, dual beliefs of the same system. The cycle of birth, death and rebirth is reincarnation, and the deeds of each life affect karma, which ultimately causes rebirth. This ends with Moksha, a release from the cycle as a result of leading life according to Karma, which is more a system of balances than one of reward and punishment.Essentially, one attempts to lead life according to Karmic principals with the goal of eventually escaping the bonds of the temporal (physical) form.While many spiritual belief systems incorporate some form of reincarnation (rebirth after death), the idea of Karma is intrinsic to reincarnation under Hinduism, and inseparable.

What is the moral law of cause and effect that determines the direction of rebirth?

The answer is Karma. Source: The World's Religion by Huston Smith Chapter: Hinduism Page: 64

Which religion believes in karma?


What are three sources os spiritual direction foe Hinduism?

The three sources os spiritual direction for Hinduism are :karma reincarnation rebirth.

Can your dreams actually be past life times in different eternity's?

If you believe in religion, yes. And most religions believe in rebirth, past lives, karma and etc. .

What does Hinduism conclude about the afterlife?

Hinduism, just like the other eastern religions, believes in the Law of Karma. The Law of Karma states - as you sow, so shall you reap. So Hinduism believes that when we die, our Karmas are not settled. The Karmas don't belong to the body but to the one who was alive which we think is the Mind and Ego, the ME. So Hinduism believes that while the body dies, the ME is reborn in a new body based on Karma and that is what is our afterlife. Hinduism, just like Buddhism, believes that this cycle of death and rebirth continues and we go on experiencing afterlife based on our Karma. What is the way out of this? It is called Nirvana or Moksha, it is Liberation or Salvation. This is attained when we realize the Truth that we are not the body, we are not even the mind and ego that we appear to be, we are the Divine Spirit, we are the Soul. If we realize this then we are liberated and united with God.

What causes human suffering in the Hindu religion?

Hinduism believes in rebirth of souls and rebirth can be avoided only through faith.Every hindu does not like to have rebirth as he is not certain whether he would be born a man or animal in the next birth. Human suffering is the result of his actions in the previous birth.

Use karma in a sentence?

Karma is being caught in the cycle of birth and rebirth, or reincarnation. Your karma decides where you will be in your next life, or how much enlightenment you will reincarnate with. - "Bad karma will sow bad futures."