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I remember in 8th grade we did an experiement with this. Get an empty fish aquarium and fill it with water. Get a can pepsi, and a can diet pepsi. Drop both in at the same time. Which One Floats? The diet will. The Pepsi will sink tot he bottom. So there is a big difference.

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Q: What is the relationship between mass and volume of sugar soda and diet soda?
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What is the difference in ingredients between regular and diet Dr. Pepper?

In diet, they put more sugar in it and less sugar in regular

What is the difference between Diet Dr Pepper and Dr. Pepper?

In diet, they put more sugar in it and less sugar in regular

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A diet soft drink has no sugar in it. It can contain an artificial sugar like aspartame.

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Diet 7 Up has no calories and contains no sugar.

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There are many brands of diet pop; they have little or no sugar.

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Diet soda doesn't have sugar. It has sugar substitute like nutrasweet or aspartame.

Where can I find a simple no sugar diet for my friend?

A simple no sugar diet can be found on LiveStrong, Healthy Diet Paradise, Body and Soul, Gracious Pantry, Sugar Free Like Me, Diet Easy and Deliciousness.

What is the difference between south beach diet tips and other diet tips?

The basic concept in the South Beach diet is to restrict high sugar content. The first phase of the diet is similar to the Atkins diet in that carbohydrates are restricted. However after the first phase which last about 2 weeks carbohydrates that are low in sugar content are reintroduced.

What does the sugar solution diet consist of?

The sugar solution diet is a specific diet that you can use to keep your blood sugar at a stable and steady level. This specific type of diet is designed to help teach how to mantain a balanced diet. Also, this specific type of diet will help you reduce how much sugar you eat on a daily basis.