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Q: What is the relationship between radio communication and optical communication?
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What is the difference between optical and radio?

Optical telescopes use either lens' (refractory) or mirrors (reflective) to magnify light. Radio telescopes use dishes to pick up radio waves. sensors on the dishes collect the waves and turn them into a picture

How radio telescopes differ from optical telescopes.?

Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.

How do radio telescope different from optical telescope?

Radio telescopes collect radio waves. Optical telescopes capture visible light waves.

How do radio telescope operate?

As far as I know, there is no "optical radio telescope". There are, separately, optical telescopes (which work with visible light), and radio telescopes (which work with radio waves).

Radio communication between distant places on Earth is possible because the?

ionosphere reflects radio signals.

In what ways are radio telescopes better than optical telescopes?

Both types of telescope collect and focus electromagnetic radiation for observational purposes, the difference is their band of observed frequencies. Radio telescopes are used for the radio frequencies ( ~3km - ~30cm) while optical telescopes are used for frequencies closer to visible light ( ~0.7μm - ~0.4μm). Optical telescopes may also be able to detect infrared and ultraviolet light.

Before it was used as a form of entertainment radio was used for communication between?


What is radio communication?

Radio communication is the transmission of information through radio waves between two or more devices. It is used for various purposes such as broadcasting, two-way communication like walkie-talkies and cell phones, and communication with satellites and spacecraft. Radio communication relies on frequencies within the radio spectrum to transmit signals over short or long distances.

When did communications using radio become available?

Communication using the radio began with the two-way radio in the war, around the time of 1907. It was five years after that, that military use of the radio became more evident and available in order to make communication between ships.

What does an oil rig radio operator do?

communication between ships and rigs + between the staff and as well as with the company worked for.

What can radio telescopes do that optical telescopes cant?

No. The gain of the antenna ... which translates directly into angular resolution ... depends on the wavelength (frequency) of operation.The 2.5 meter optical parabolic reflector (telescope) on Mt. Wilson is a titan. 2.5 meter parabolic radio antennas are routinely used in intercity microwave communication but would be quite useless for serious radio-astronomy, as they are such shrimps at radio wavelengths.

Do Radio telescopes have poorer angular resolution than optical telescopes because radio waves have a much longer wavelength than optical waves?
