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Q: What is the relationship between renewable energy and inexhaustible resource?
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What is the relationship between a renewable resource and a inexhaustible resource?

The relationship Is that a renewable resource can generate up to the sun but The Inexhaustible resource goes up but then flows down to the renews of the the resources

What the relationship between renewable resource and inexhaustible resource?

the relationship between them is the inexhaustible resourse cant be used up (the sun) and renewable resourses can be created agin so it cant be used up

What is the relationship between renewable resources and inexhaustible resources?

the relationship between them is the inexhaustible resourse cant be used up (the sun) and renewable resourses can be created agin so it cant be used up

What is the relationship between renewable and inexhaustible?

The only relationship is that both will be always available. One (renewable) can be renewed, and the other (inexhaustible) will be never finished, since no one can use it up.

What is the difference between renewable and inexhaustible resources?

An example of a renewable and exhaustable resource would be wood. Trees are cut down to make wood, and they usually take a few tens of years to grow back to their original state again. If wood is cut down faster than it grows, it would be exhausted and will sooner or later disappear. However, wind and solar energy are renewable and inexhaustable, because they always exist and will never run out, so no matter how much you use them, they will still be there.A:Renewable means a resource can renew itself (like growing trees) if we are careful (sustainable).Inexhaustible means a resource will never run out, like solar energy, or wind and tides.In practice, inexhaustible and renewable resources are all classed as "renewable".

What is the relationship between renewable resources- inexhaustiable resources?

the relationship between them is the inexhaustible resourse cant be used up (the sun) and renewable resourses can be created agin so it cant be used up

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What is the difference between a renewable and nonrenewable resource in denmark?

The difference between the 2 resources ANYWHERE in the world are that a renewable resource may be replaced within 100 years, say a forest, while a non-renewable resource takes much longer, oil for instance, which takes hundreds of thousands or millions of years to form.

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How does coal differ from pine trees as a source of energy?

Coal is a nonrenewable resource, while pine trees are a renewable resource. As sources of energy, the difference between coal and pine trees is that coal is a nonrenewable resource, while pine trees are a renewable resource.

What are inexhaustible resources?

Renewable means that we can replace the resource as we need it or as we use it up. This includes products made from plants and animals that can be managed. Managed in this case means both grown under cultivation (wood, grains, food) or used at a rate that is below the natural replacement rates (e.g. wild fish stocks).Inexhaustible means will never run out. The sun will die in about five billion years' time. So sunlight is not inexhaustible. Before that time, the earth and we will be frozen and dead, so wind, tides, water, geothermal and all other resources will also be finished. So nothing is inexhaustible, strictly speaking.However, if we just consider these resources to be available as long as the human species is around to need them then we can say that there is no effective difference between inexhaustible and renewable resources.So all the following are both inexhaustible and renewable:solar powerwindwave and tidal and hydro-electricgeothermalbiomass and biofuelwaterplants, crops, vegetation, trees and forests (so long as we keep replanting and regrowing at the same rate).

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