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Q: What is the relationship between the silk gland and the spinneret?
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What is the part of the body that the spider spins silk with?

The spinneret.

What do we call part of a spider that makes silk for web?


What is a spinneret of a spider?

The structures used by spiders to produce silk for their webs.

Where do regenerated fibers come from?

They are made using wood pulp and chemicals. Silk worms use a spinneret on they're heads to make silk, to make regenerated fibres scientists imitate this by making a fake spinneret.

What is the caterpillars spinneret?

Similar to that in a spider, the spinneret is the organ that releases silk, by which the caterpillar makes a nest or uses in a strand for moving from place to place eg from a tree-branch to the ground.

How do spiders make their webs?

Spiders make their web by producing silk threads from their spinneret glands. These glands are located at the tip of their abdomen.

What is the relationship between silk and worm?

I dont know........... you tell me

What relationship is there between the Silk Road and the Han Empire?

I guess the Silk Road was what linked the Han Empire to the Roman Empire

What does Spinneret mean?

any of a number of different organs through which the silk, gossamer, or thread of Spiders, silkworms, and certain other insects is produced.

What Silk is produced by spiders?

A spider makes its web by producing a silk from their spinneret glands located in their stomachs. Each gland produces a strand for a specific purpose for example safety line, sticky line, line went to trap. Most spiders have three pairs of spinneret glands, some have four.

What part of the silkworm is used to makes silk?

Silk is made from the string that silk worms use to spin their cocoons. Once the silk worm has spun its cocoon, the worm is killed to keep it from chewing its way through the cocoon to get out. The silk is then unwound from the cocoon and used to make textiles.

What is secreted by the salivary gland of silk larva?

I think saliva is from a woven cloth in Australian and Anderea volcano desert