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Q: What is the relationship between two organisms that are using the same factor in the environment?
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Related questions

What is the difference between the biotic factor and a abiotic factor?

a biotic factor is a living organisms in the environment and a abortic factor is a non-living thing in the environment

Describes a relationship between abiotic and biotic components of a forest ecosystem?

Abiotic components (non-living chemicalor physical factor) such as temperature,light,water,and nutrients. Biotic components(living) are all the organisms in the environment.

Living or once-living organisms in the environment?

a biotic factor

What is a living factor of an ecosystem?

Is a biological environment consisting of all the organisms living in a particular area.

What is the relationship between 0.09 and 0.9?

They are different by a factor of 10.

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What is the Relation between power factor and slip?

inversely proportional relationship

What is the relationship between scale factor and perimeter?

It is a strict linear relationship. Double the size, double the perimeter. The area, however, increases by the square of the scale factor.

What is the similarity between factor and multiple?

They both describe relationships between numbers.

Is a tree an abiotic factor?

No, a tree is a biotic factor because it is a living organism that interacts with other living organisms in its environment. Abiotic factors are non-living components of an ecosystem, such as sunlight, water, and temperature.

What limits the number of organisms in an environment?

A lot of energy is lost at each step. After 3 steps, very little energy is still available for use by living organisms.

What is environment factor?

environment factor is environment saving,or we can say afforestation.