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A zygote is the cell formed by the combination of an egg and a sperm cell. Cleavage is the process a zygote undergoes where it begins to rapidly duplicate its cells to become a fetus.

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Q: What is the relationship between zygote and cleavage?
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What process occurs immediately after a zygote form?

CLEAVAGE The cleavage process directly follows the zygote stage. The zygote stage is the earliest developmental stage of an embryo.

The series of cellular divisions by which the zygote becomes a multicellular embryo is known as?

The answer is Cleavage because Cleavage is the first mitotic divisions of the zygote. There is an increase in the number of cells but a decrease in size of the individual cells.

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What is a determinate cleavage?

Determinate cleavage is the cleavage of an egg that separates portions of the zygote for development. Cleavage is a form of cell division that increases cells without increasing mass.

What is the correct order of developmental sequence - Fertilization blastula gastrula adult zygote cleavage embryo meosis?

In order: meiosis in parents (creates gametes), fertilization, zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, adult (obviously after baby is formed and born).

Describe the principal events occurring during the cleavage stages of the embryo?

Cleavage is a series of cell divisions that subdivided the cytoplasm of the zygote.

In sea star development is the entire zygote involved in early cleavage?

yes it is

What does embryo mean?

After cleavage a zygote forms embryo until it is born or hatched .

What is the correct sequence of development from zygote to embryo?

cleavage, morula, blastocyst, gastrula

Successive cell divisions convert the zygote into a multicell embryo during?

Type your answer here..cleavage

According to human reproductive system what is the meaning of cleavage?

While still in the Fallopian tube, the zygote begins to endergo mitosis. It divides repeatedly through a process called cleavage.

What major process leads to the zygote's transformation into an embryo?

Cleavage - the repeated cell division of the zygote to create a blastula.Gastrulation - the formation of distinct layers which later give rise to different structures.