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Q: What is the relationship of Hawaii to the U.S. and Tasmania to?
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What is the relationship between US and Hawaii?

Hawaii is a state in the US

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What relationship does Tasmania have to Australia?

Tasmania is one of Australia's states.

All about Hawaii?

what is the relationship with Hawaii what is the relationship with Hawaii and the people and culture what are relationships with Hawaii

Is Fiji larger than Tasmania?

hawaii is bigger than fiji

What is the relationship between families in Hawaii?

They all live in Hawaii.

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Is a same-sex relationship from the state of Tasmania in Australia legally recognized in the United Kingdom?

Yes. In accordance with Schedule 20 of the UK Civil Partnership Act 2004, the same-sex relationship referred to as "significant relationship" formed Tasmania is legally recognized in the United Kingdom as a civil partnership.

Hawaii's number on the flag of the US?

Hawaii is the 50th US State.

Who did Hawaii belong to prior to the US?

It was an Independent Kingdom, The Republic of Hawaii and the Territory of Hawaii before it became a US State.

What is the distance between US to Hawaii?

Hawaii is in the US. If you mean distance between the CONTIGUOUS US and Hawaii, the answer would be approximately 2500 miles

How do people dress in Tasmania?

Us ppl in Tasmania dress in clothes.... lol not much different than Adelaide an Melbourne an all that.