

What is the relationship of economics to natural sciences?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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itz about how he treatz u

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Q: What is the relationship of economics to natural sciences?
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What Relationship of economics to natural science?

The relationship of economics to natural science is that natural sciences provide humans and computers data which relates to different areas such as food sources. Economics is not considered a natural science.

Discuss the difference between economics and natural science?

i want to know the difference between economics and natural sciences

Relationship of economics with other subject?

Economics, the study of how to locate resources, is related to the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Economics is important in the study of political science, when studying the structure and functions of governments and how they relate to each other. Economics is related to history when studying imperialism, class conflicts, labor, and historic economies.

What is the relation of economics to social and natural sciences?

The relation is ahehehehhe

What is the relationship of economics to other field of sciences?

eto oh ,,l,, HAHAHAHAHAH C

What is the relationship between political science and natural sciences?

Firstly, political science is not a natural science, so it bears a weaker relationship than other natural sciences. Political science draws on some of the methods (e.g.) mathematics and statistics) and philosophies (e.g.) positivism) from the natural sciences but, for the most part, relies on its own counterparts.

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The best definition is that by Lionel Robins, "Economics is the social sciences which studies human behavior as a relationship between ends and scare means which has alternative uses"

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Which of these is considered to be the king of the social sciences-?

Economics is considered to be the king of social sciences.

Explain how economics is related to the different discipline of social sciences and natural services in sociology?

Economics is related to social sciences like sociology through its focus on understanding human behavior, social interactions, and societal institutions. In sociology, economics helps analyze how economic factors influence social structures, inequality, and power dynamics. When considering natural services, economics examines how economic activities impact the environment and natural resources, leading to discussions on sustainability, conservation, and resource management within the broader social context.

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