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Concurrent with the concern over ozone depletion is concern over global warming, which has generally been attributed to carbon dioxide emissions but also to emissions of certain refrigerants and methane.

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Q: What is the relationship of global warming to refrigerants?
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What measurement or index takes into consideration both the indirect and direct global-warming effects of refrigerants?


What measurement or index takes into consideration both the indirect and direct Global Warming effects of refrigerants?

Total Equivalent Warming Impact or (TEWI)

What is the relationship among global warming good ozone and bad ozone?

Ozone has nothing to do with Global warming. it has to do with UV penetration.

What is the relationship between the thinning of the ozone layer in global warming?

The ozone thinning leads to global warming. The same is true for reverse.

How do you help the ozone?

We can stop using CFC gases which are used in refrigerants and air conditioners which are responsible for its depletion. In this way we can stop global warming.

What is the relationship between ozone layer and global warming?

Ozone layer and global warming have such a strong relation. The relation is like a strong force.

What is the future plus ozone depletion?

Ozone depletion can be stopped by substitutuing refrigerants with some other gases. It will help stop Global Warming too.

Is there a relationship between the two atmospheric effects of global warming and the holes in the ozone layer?

Yes, there is. Ozone hole is formed due to global warming. One big reason it is.

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What is the relationship between global warming and alternative sources of energy such as solar energy?

well soler energy is energy from the sun and global warming is the warming of the globe and you need the sun for

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

What does the ozone do in the relationship to temperature?

Ozone causes global warming. It then increases the surface temperature.