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Khalifat Rasul Allah

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Q: What is the religious and political head of a Muslim state?
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What is an Egyptian vizier?

Vizier or Vezir is someone with the political or/ and the religious authority to handle political/ religious issues second only to the Head of state or the religion like Chalif, Amir, Malik [King] or Sultan.

How do secular Muslim states and theocracies differ?

In theocracies, civil law is based on religious tenets and the head of state is a religious leader. Constitutions and legislatures have limited authority to change law. In secular Muslim states, there are prohibitions on religious interference in law and politics. Sharia law is limited to personal matters. this is the exact answer for e2020

Where does the last name Sheik comes from?

1577, meaning head of an Arab family, also head of a Muslim religious order, from the Arabic language.

Is it true that the prime minister is the head of state for the country but the president is not?

What country? As a general rule, a prime minister is never a head of state. A head of state is typically a president or a monarch. However, depending on the political system, a head of state and their prime minister can have differing amounts of power, with political power belonging entirely to one or the other, or somewhere in between.

What does the cap that Muslim men wear symbolize?

The cap that Muslim men wear is called a turban. It is a type of wrapped head covering. Muslim men wear it as a religious symbol of their faith. Many Muslim men choose to wear green, because it represents paradise.

Who are the current heads of state?

There are more than 200 countries in the world, and all have a head of state. Note that most countries separate the roles of head of state and political leader. The United States unifies these two roles in the President. In most countries, the head of state is a ceremonial title. Here are some heads of state: United States: George W. Bush (both head of state and the political leader) Canada: The Governor General (currently Michaëlle Jean) acts as head of state on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II who is Queen of Canada and the formal head of state; the political leader is Stephen Harper as Prime Minister United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II; the political leader is Gordon Brown as Prime Minister Japan: Emperor Akihito; the political leader is Yasuo Fukuda as Prime Minister Germany: Federal President Horst Köhler; the political leader is Angela Merkel as Chancellor Andorra: two ceremonial heads of state are the Bishop of Urgel in Spain and the President of France; the political leader is Albert Pintat as Head of Government

Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as?

Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as republicanism. Republicanism is the ideology of governing a society or state as a republic, in which the head of state is a representative of the people who hold popular sovereignty rather than the people being subjects of the head of state. The head of state is usually an elected official.

Why is the Queen of England more of a political figure than the PM but less important?

The Queen of England is a ceremonial and symbolic figurehead with constitutional responsibilities, while the Prime Minister holds the executive power and actively governs the country. The role of the Prime Minister is more central to the day-to-day running of the government and has a direct influence on policy-making and decision-making. However, the Queen plays a unifying and stabilizing role in the political system of the United Kingdom.

Can the state constitutionally force Muslim women to remove their scarfs and other head coverings for their drivers' license photographs?

It depends on the specific state law.

As _________ , the president has authority over the executive branch; as _________, the president acts as the symbolic and political representative of the nation?

head of government; head of state

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The Pope is the head of the Church and there are bishops for each state. For example, my state has two Arch Bishops.

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Afganistan"s political system is republic country. A Republic system, is when not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.