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the reply button is used to answer the person back

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Q: What is the reply button used for?
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Yes. Hover over the tweet and the 'reply' button will appear for you to click on. Alternatively, you can just type their username (@username) before your message as the reply button just puts the username into the message automatically for you.

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To reply to Shukriya, you need to open a given message. By pressing the reply button, you will be able to reply to Shukriya.

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Simple, press F1 and if it's a Live Message just press the reply button.

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press pause and do instant reply

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You should reload the pinboard and see whether the reply button shows.

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go to the video where someone has commented, and under their comment there is a button that says "reply" :)

How do you answer a question that someone asked about your question on WikiAnswers Where is the button?

bye clicking reply

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you find the reply button and click it and click send. hope this helped =D

How do you answer someone's message on WikiAnswers?

You click on the reply button in the top righthand corner of their message.

How do you post a reply on a forum in which you aren't registered?

Well, once you are in the thread in which you want to post a reply, there will either be no "reply" button, or a "reply" button. if there isnt, you might want to consider signing up. its not too hard to sign up and you will most likely get more features there. but if the site administrators have certain options turned on in the control panel, there should be a reply button that you can see as a guest. if there is, click on it. there should be a place to put a temporary name for yourself so that name will show up as the poster. then just make a subject and a body, and hit submit. there ya go! kind of a long explination, but you should understand it.