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The resolution of the story of "Makato and the Cowrie Shell" is when Makato is finally recognized and rewarded for his honesty and perseverance after facing many challenges. The point of view of the story is typically third person omniscient, allowing the reader to observe Makato's actions and thoughts. The main conflict in the story is Makato's journey to retrieve a special cowrie shell while facing obstacles and temptations along the way.

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Q: What is the resolution point of view and conflict the story of makato and the cowrie shell?
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One of the best scenes in "The Story of Makato and the Cowrie Shell" is when Makato finally discovers the power of the cowrie shell to grant his wishes. This moment is pivotal as it marks a turning point in his life and sets him on a path to understanding the importance of gratitude and humility. It also showcases the transformational journey that Makato undergoes as he learns valuable life lessons along the way.

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resolution. The resolution is the point in the story where the conflict is resolved, leading to the conclusion. It is an essential component that provides closure to the narrative and allows for the story to come to a satisfying end.

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The climax in literature is the point of highest tension or turning point in the story where the conflict reaches its peak and is ultimately resolved. It is a critical moment that has a significant impact on the outcome of the story and often leads to the resolution of the main conflict.

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What does conflict resolution mean are they relate to human resource?

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Is falling action and resolution the same thing?

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The main conflict in a story is typically resolved during the climax, which is the point of highest tension where the protagonist faces the antagonist or major obstacle. This resolution usually occurs towards the end of the story and paves the way for the conclusion.

What is a plot's resolution?

The resolution of a plot is the moment when the main conflict is solved or concluded. It is the point in the story where loose ends are tied up, questions are answered, and the outcome for the characters and their situations becomes clear.

What is the conflict and resolution in a story?

It is the point in the story when the plot plays out, issues are explained, questions are answered