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Q: What is the response to the pull of gravity as mass increases?
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Does gravity increase or decrease when the distance increases between two objects?

Gravity decrease as you get farther, and every mass has gravitational pull.

As the mass of two objects increases the pull of gravity between the objects increase or decrease?

think of yourself dude, increase or decrease?

If the mass stays the same and distance decreases does the gravity between two objects decrease or increase?

Increases. The closer they are, the harder the pull.

Is there gravity in space and why?

Yes. Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between all objects with mass. It increases with the mass of the object in question and decreases with distance from it. Planets, stars, moons, and galaxies all exert a gravitational pull.

How does the mass of an object affect its gravity?

Every object with mass attracts every other object with mass.The bigger the mass the stronger the gravitational pull for example the gravitational pull of the earth is equal to mass multiplied by 10 .On the moon which has a smaller mass gravity is mass multiplied by 0.6

If Earth increases its mass, how would that affect the gravitational pull a person experiences on Earth?

The gravitation pull will increase relative to the amount of increased mass. The Mass of the Objects The more mass two objects have, the greater the force of gravity the masses exert on each other. If one of the masses is doubled, the force of gravity between the objects is doubled.

What is the pull of gravity on mass?


What is the pull of an object's mass?


How can gravity work with ice?

Gravity will pull on anything that has mass.

How did NASA know that the Moon's gravity was less than that on the earth before they got there?

NASA knew the mass of the Moon before going and could calculate the pull of gravity relative to the earth. Weight is just the measurement of the strength of gravity while mass is how much material is packed into any one object. Gravity increases as the mass of an object increases so the Moon being much smaller than the earth would therefore have less gravity.

Is Mercury's gravity pull to little?

If compared to earth, mercury has little gravity pull as its mass is much less than earth's mass.

How is gravity affected by mass?

The greater the gravity, the greater the weight, even though the mass does not physically change. The stronger pull makes it heavier. The mass of something can never change - weight only describes the mass of something under the pull of gravity while mass is constant no matter where.