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Q: What is the restating of a hypothesis?
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Which statement is an example of restating the idea?

restating in paraphasing

What is the structure of a scientific report?

The structure of a scientific report is the following:First you title the reportthen state the Aimthen the hypothesis: it is believed that....then the materialsthe risk assesmentthen the method (in past tense)then the results in a table, graph, diagram ect.then the conclusion: restating if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect

Restating an idea in your own words is called?

There are two words for restating an idea in your own words. When the original work is properly cited, it is paraphrasing. When it is not properly cited, it is plagiarizing.

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Information taken directly from an existing classified source and stated verbatim in a new or different document is an example of ______ Restating Extracting Generating Paraphrasing

Researchers performing a well designed experiment should base their conclusions on?

The conclusion is based on the data that you got from the experiment (experimental results). To write a conclusion you should tell if your hypothesis was correct or incorrect then support your answer from your data. You should always use Quantitative details from the data.

What is a good way to end a report about dolphins?

by restating your introduction paragraph

Is the word these a noun?

No, it is an adjective (plural of this) or a pronoun (restating a plural noun).

Should a conclusion wrap up an essay without restating the thesis?


What is restating sentences?

The word is to reiterate (repeat again, usually for emphasis).

A possible explanation or answer to a question is a?

A hypothesis

What information should a conclusion tell us and what is a conclusion?

A conclusion is simply a way of summing up your essay.For an informative essay, it should say something like "it can be seen from this essay that...". It is a way of restating your main points.If it is a hypothesis essay, it should restate the hypothesis and then state whether it was proved wrong or right and why.You should not restate the whole of your essay and for a 1000 word essay the conclusion should not be more than 100-120 words.

Toyota 4 runner no rear brakes?

this is not an answerable question. Try restating